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Those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both usually right.- Confucius

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right! - Henry Ford

I love stories about people who believe they can. They inspire me to never ever give up on my dreams. They show how people like me and you, often against all odds, even in the face of life threatening adversity- achieve their goals because they NEVER. STOPPED. BELIEVING.

There was a time, years ago, during my tenure as General Manager of a large hotel in downtown St Louis, where we enduring what felt like a never-ending recession. Our weekly management team staff meetings had become tedious and often depressing. I was trying to come up with something that would be uplifting and change the energy of that meeting and give people some hope.

I went to the neighborhood bookstore looking for a solution. As I wandered the aisles, scanning the shelves for inspiration- nothing was jumping out 'businesses' at me. Then as I rounded the corner to look down another aisle…there was a book on the floor. Chicken Soup for the Soul must have jumped off the shelf just to get my attention because it would not have been what I would have selected. 

That evening I read stories of hope, desperation, faith, grief, love and loss. I was inspired. Some stories made me laugh and other prompted tears, but they all gave me hope.

That week at the staff meeting, I picked a story and read it. Everyone applauded at the end of the story. I put my initials on the story I just read and handed the book to the person to my right with the instructions…pick a story you like and read it for us next week. More applause.

The energy of our staff meetings changed and in the midst of desperation and fear we created a new tradition and reaffirmed our commitment to WE CAN - WE WILL - WE DID.

I hope, as we continue to face the current crisis, you will create new traditions for your family and your business. Traditions that enable you to remain focused on I CAN – I WILL – I DID.

Wishing you all the best always and take a look at for some resources you may find helpful.

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