I was recently reminded of the research done by Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University California. Her research on GOAL-SETTING demonstrates the importance of (1) specific written goals with actions steps and due dates (2) sharing goals, action steps and due dates with a Goals Buddy, Accountability Partner or colleague (3) regularly providing updates for goal progress and completion.
Dr. Matthews recruited a diverse group of participants ranging in age from 23 to 72. The initial group was 267 participants and 149 completed the study. Here is a high level summary of the results achieved by participants assigned to each of the five research groups.
GROUP 1: Thought about goals and rated each on criteria such as difficulty, importance, skills to accomplish and resources needed.
GROUP 1: Accomplished 43% or their stated goals
GROUP 2 & 3: Wrote specific goals and criteria assessments PLUS action steps and due dates for each goal.
GROUP 2 & 3: Accomplished 54% of their stated goals
GROUP 4: Wrote specific goals with action steps and due dates for each goal and told a friend about the goals and action steps/due dates.
GROUP 4: Accomplished 64% of their stated goals
GROUP 5: Wrote specific goals with action steps and due dates for each goal - told a friend about the goals, action steps and due dates. Plus, provided weekly progress report with the same person.
GROUP 5: Accomplished 76% of their stated goals Today is the perfect time to get clear about your goals and to review them one by one, to be sure they are written in clear concise terms with action steps and due dates for each goal.
HINT: Put the due dates on your calendar. That will help you stay on track to reach your due dates AND it will help you recognize where you may need to amend some due dates because your calendar is overloaded.
If you don’t have a GOAL BUDDY…get one and share your goals, action steps and due dates with them and establish a weekly update process with them. Many people use an Accountability Partner for this and even report daily on the top 5 things on their GOAL TO DO LIST. What matters is that you share your goals, action steps and due dates with someone for the purpose of being accountable.
I routinely use my Accountability Partner and my Creative Coordinator as my GOAL BUDDIES. I value and appreciate their input, encouragement, feedback even the “hold my feet to the fire – get this done NOW” moments. They are important members of the Sherry McCool Success Team.
So, take action and make sure you have a team to help you make SUCCESS LOOKS GREAT ON YOU!